Sunday, March 11, 2012

Can Social Media bring Social Change?

Everyone knows or has some knowledge of previous revolutions, whether it’s from history class, the history channel, or maybe even stories from relatives of a certain time period. Author Malcom Gladwell argues that social media is build around weak ties and no social change can ever come from it. But look around you, a revolution is happening right before your eyes. It may not be so immediate and in your face, but we’re in a time period that is making history based on social media alone. I recently watched a video via YouTube called “Kony 2012” and although later I discovered certain things about the video and the organization behind it misleading, this viral video brought up many great points and attracted A LOT of attention. Right now in the world there are more people logging onto Facebook, then there were on the planet 200 years ago. Using “Kony 2012” as an example, this video became a trending topic on Twitter over night, made national news the following day, and one can only imagine the donations they’ve since received. Despite the accuracy of the content, this video alone proves that through social media and networking world issues, happenings, and news can be brought to millions of people with a the click of a button. The video “Kony 2012” suggests by bringing something to people’s attention, in a time where “humanity’s greatest desire is to belong and connect, and now we see each other, we hear each other, we share what we love, and it reminds us all what we have in common, and this connection is changing the way the world works.”[1] How can one even argue that no social change can happen through social media when those at the core of dictating change to the masses, the government and political leaders, are marketing themselves through these very means. Therefore, I personally, completely disagree with Gladwell’s accusations.

Note: For those of you who haven't checked out this video, I suggest you do so! Generate an opinion of your own :)


  1. I agree with you completely about how social media is bringing social change and that history is being made. I recently watched that video as well and couldn’t believe how fast the video was spreading. After I watched it every time I signed onto my facebook people were posting a link to it and urging people to watch the video. I also heard about some of the misleading things behind the video but still it was amazing how quickly and how many people took an interest in sharing this video with others through social networking sites. All of the sudden people were posting about everyone could get involved in fighting for the cause and posting their opinions and feelings. I think that’s a great example of how social media is bringing social change by the spread of someone’s ideas and feelings though different networks.

  2. You are so right, if we did not have these outlets of social media change such as helping all these disaster relief funds. Would we have been able to raise such funds when we didn’t have Facebook or twitter? Also face to face time may have slightly decreased but it has also facilitated much more face time with people who do not live near us anymore through sites such as Skype. I believe it is all about balance, Facebook and twitter took the face time out of spending real time with someone, now there is another site that has added it back in. What is next!

  3. Jade, I agree with you 100% that social media is a whole new revolution and has made great impact with social change. Some people don't realize how often they follow a trend weather it be clothing, new music, or a simple story being posted on Facebook and other media sites. I also stand by you with not agreeing with Glawells statement. Social change happens on a daily basis and no matter how many people deny it, we all follow the trends and storeys. I also mentioned the "Kony 2012" in my blog entry, it was outstanding to see how quick that matter went viral.

  4. I never thought of how many donations social media would generate to world donations such as KONY, i read in another blog that only 38% of all donations go to what your actually donating towards. 50% goes towards your advertising, which Facebook i am sure cuts the expense quite a bit. 12% percent is the profit. I am not sure how accurate that is but it seems about right. Its a shame i cant ever bring myself to donate towards anything these days without thinking its a scam. Even the kids that come to the door selling chocolate bars! its like i feel they're just going to keep the money for themselves cause that's what i did as a kid.. sadly enough not everyone's nearly as honest as they make them out to be. If social media could change anything it should embrace trust to its people.. if there is such a thing anymore. we all know that they're listening to social media now because we can campaign the night before and have it all over the new the following morning.. THEY ARE LISTENING! time to tell them what change we really want to see!
